Part of our role and responsibility is to provide awareness about services that are available for eligible 3 through 5 year olds. Most parent’s aren’t aware that services are available for children ages 3, 4, and 5 through their local school district, because they’re not yet school age. In Michigan, special education supports and services are provided for preschool-aged children with a developmental delay or a disability. Moms Everday of Mid-Michigan and WILX TV 10 will help us increase awareness throughout the Lansing and Jackson area. We will tape 8 interviews from now until the end of May. Each segment will include information about Build Up Michigan, how to get connected, what “signs” should Moms look for, local success stories from real Moms from Mid-Michigan area (including Clinton and Ingham counties), how and where does testing happen, and information about Kindergarten readiness. View our YouTube Page for the Moms Everyday videos! Build Up Michigan YouTube Channel Find us at: https://www.facebook.com/BuildUpMich