Build Up helps parents and their children, ages 3 through 5, get additional educational support as they begin and continue to learn the skills needed to enter kindergarten. An initiative of the Michigan Department of Education, Office of Special Education, Build Up supports child find efforts through targeted outreach.
Our goal is to refer all children who may be eligible for special education services through Michigan’s Administrative Rules for Special Education and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Part B.
Build Up is devoted to supporting the Child Find mandate of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Build Up conducts targeted public awareness through statewide media, grassroots efforts, a traveling statewide display board, and Internet marketing. We are excited to share how we provide support to locate and identify young children, ages 3 through 5, who may be in need of special education supports and/or services.
We also provide information about early intervention referral process for children birth through 5 in Michigan.